Continuous Casting Machine for Sale

continuous casting machine for sale

There are different kinds of continuous casting machine for sale in Xi’an Hani Tech Company.

The production process of continuously casting high-temperature molten steel into a billet with a certain cross-sectional shape and a certain size is called continuous steel casting.

The equipment required to complete this process is called continuous casting complete equipment. The electromechanical hydraulic integration of the steel pouring equipment, the main equipment of the continuous casting machine, the cutting area equipment, the dummy bar collection, and transportation equipment constitute the equipment of the core part of continuous steel casting, which is commonly called the continuous casting machine.

Production Process

The high-temperature molten steel is continuously poured into one or a group of water-cooled copper crystallizers, and the molten steel gradually solidifies into billet shells along the periphery of the crystallizer. After the steel liquid level rises to a certain height and the billet shell solidifies to a certain thickness, the straightener pulls out the billet, and the billet is cooled by spraying water in the secondary cooling area to completely solidify. The cutting device cuts the billet to a certain length according to the requirements of steel rolling. This process of directly casting high-temperature molten steel into a billet is called continuous casting.

Its appearance has fundamentally changed the once-out rolling process of steel ingots, which has been dominant for a century. Because it simplifies the production process, improves production efficiency and metal yield, saves energy consumption, greatly reduces production cost, and has good billet quality, it has developed rapidly. In the present steel-making enterprises, whether it is long-process steel-making or short-process steel-making, it is almost inevitable to equip continuous casters.

Classification of Continuous Casting Machine for Sale

Continuous casting machine can be classified in many forms. According to the structure, continuous casters can be divided into the vertical continuous caster, vertical bending continuous caster, arc continuous caster with straight section, arc continuous caster, multi-radius elliptical continuous caster, and horizontal continuous caster. With the development of continuous casting technology, research on wheel casters, especially thin slab casters, has been carried out.

According to the size and shape of the section cast by the caster, the caster can be divided into slab caster, billet caster, bloom caster, round billet caster, profiled section caster, and thin slab caster. The square billet caster also includes the rectangular billet caster, and usually, the casting cross-section or equivalent cross-sectional area is greater than 200 × 200mm billet is called bloom, and the cross-section or equivalent cross-sectional area is less than 160 × 160mm billet is called a small square billet, and a rectangular billet with a width thickness ratio greater than 3 is called a slab.

It can be divided into a single strand, double strand, or multi-strand continuous caster according to the number of strand flows that can be cast by the continuous caster under the same ladle. If you are interested in our mechanical equipment, please kindly send your technical inquiry to us, we have different kinds of continuous casting machine for sale.


General continuous casting machine is composed of molten steel carrying device (ladle, turntable), tundish and its replacement device, mold, and its vibration device, clamping roller and cooling water system in secondary cooling zone, drawing straightener, cutting equipment, dummy ingot device, etc.

Tundish plays the role of buffering and purifying molten steel, and its capacity is generally 20% ~ 40% of the capacity of the ladle. The more the caster flows, the larger the capacity.

The mold is the “heart” of the continuous casting machine, which requires good thermal conductivity, structural rigidity, wear resistance, and ease of manufacture and maintenance. It is generally made of forged copper or cast brass, and its outer wall is forced to be cooled evenly by water.

The function of the mold vibration device is to make the mold vibrate periodically, so as to prevent the primary shell and the mold wall from bonding and being broken. The vibration curve generally changes according to the sinusoidal law to reduce the impact. Its amplitude and frequency should closely match the drawing speed to ensure the quality and output of the billet.

The secondary cooling device is installed at the outlet of the crystallizer, and its function is to accelerate the solidification of the slab and control the temperature of the slab by means of water spray or atomization cooling.

The pinch roll and guide roll support the high-temperature slab with liquid core to prevent bulge deformation or internal crack. At the same time, the liquid core pressing technology can be carried out in this section to improve slab quality and output. The water pressure and water volume of the secondary cooling device are required to be adjustable to meet the needs of different steel grades and different drawing speeds.

The role of the tension leveler is to provide the power of billet drawing, straighten the bent billet, and promote the movement of the cutting device. The billet drawing speed has a great impact on the output and quality of the continuous casting.

The function of the dummy bar device is to block the lower opening of the mold with the dummy bar before the continuous casting starts. After the molten steel solidifies, the billet is pulled out of the caster, and then the dummy bar is put into the storage device after the dummy bar is disconnected.

The billet cutting equipment cuts the continuously moving billet to a fixed length. The commonly used cutting equipment includes a flame cutter, hydraulic shear and swing shear.

Looking for continuous casting machine for sale, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can supply customized continuous casting machine according to your technical requirement.

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