Steel Billet Production Process

Steel Billet Production Process, Continuous Casting Machine

The steel billet production process is a critical step in the manufacturing of steel products. Steel billets are the raw material for a variety of steel products, including rods, rods, and wire. This article aims to provide an overview of the billet production process, from the initial stages of raw material preparation to the final stages of billet shaping.

Induction Furnace Steel – HANI

Induction Furnace Steel

Induction furnace steel is an important equipment in the steel industry. This article will explore how induction furnaces work, their advantages, and their applications in the steelmaking process.

About Industrial Silicon For EAF

About Industrial Silicon For Electric Arc Furnace

About industrial silicon, also known as metallic silicon, is an important raw material for the production of electric arc furnaces (EAF). This article aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the role of industrial silicon in electric arc furnaces, its properties, applications and its impact on the steelmaking industry.

Induction Furnace Of Steel

Induction Furnace Of Steel

This article mainly introduces the characteristics of induction furnace of steel melting and its advantages in the steel industry.

Ladle Furnace Transformer Maintenance

Ladle Furnace Transformer Maintenance

Ladle furnace transformer maintenance plays a vital role in the steelmaking industry. Therefore, regular maintenance is essential to ensure its reliable performance and prevent costly failures.

Induction Furnace Principle & Advantage

Induction Furnace Principle & Advantage

This article mainly introduces the induction furnace principle: it uses electromagnetic induction to generate heat in metal, thereby realizing various metal smelting. and discuss its applications & advantages.